“Aim high, and always believe you are capable of great things.”
the motto lived by Mr Joseph Kenna.
As time moves on, we adapt to stay ahead of the curve. The guiding principles established by Mr Joseph Kenna in 1896 have withstood the test of time. Today, those same principles ensure our clients receive the highest level of proactive service rarely found in the modern business world.
The early days
For more than 50 years from the time he started Kennas as a 24-year old accountant, Joseph Kenna was a force to be reckoned with in the growth of Rockhampton as a city, and also in the welfare of its community. During his four years an alderman, Council started water and electric light schemes. He served as the first President of the Rotary Club of Rockhampton and a member of the Chamber of Commerce for 41 years. He was also active in the Agricultural Society, the Chartered Accountants bodies in Australia and England, and a founding member of the Queensland Amateur Athletic Association.
Growing through the years
Constantly adding new credentials and spheres of influence, Kennas grew steadily under the hand of their energetic and outwardly focused leader. By 1915 Mr Harold Jones and Mr Fred Hopping were admitted as the first partners to Mr Kenna. Kennas continued growing even through the Great Depression, two World Wars and all the changes in finance including personal income tax, superannuation and GST. Over the years Kennas opened branches in Longreach, Biloela, Moura, Emerald, Brisbane and Yeppoon, and those associations with the land and state capital continue to this day, although current operations are consolidated in Rockhampton. Mr Raymond Tidbury, partner from 1966 to 2001, commenting on the changes in his tenure alone remarked, “It has gone from pens and inkwells, to punch cards, to discs, to desktop computers, to central computing in less than 40 years.”
Establishing financial services
In 1987 Kennas moved to establish Kennas Financial Services Pty Ltd to serve the growing personal finances sector, and have, since that time, maintained the highest possible qualifications and credentials. From the outset, trustworthiness and always occupying the high moral ground have been unequivocal values. In 1992 Kennas secured a Dealers Security Licence from ASIC in order to remain unaligned with any fund or advisers.
While we recognise the proud legacy that puts us ahead in so many ways, the partners and team at Kennas are not resting on the accomplishments of those who’ve paved the way, but we’re moving forward alongside our clients to grow and adapt to the changing financial world.